Understanding Kundalini Energy


Kundalini, often described as the "coiled serpent," is an ancient concept rooted in Eastern spiritual traditions. It represents an innate spiritual energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine, waiting to be awakened. The exploration of Kundalini is a fascinating journey that spans thousands of years, attracting seekers from diverse backgrounds. In this blog post, we will delve into the essence of Kundalini, its significance, and the transformative potential it holds for those who embark on the path of awakening.

The Nature of Kundalini Energy

Kundalini is often depicted as a coiled serpent, nestled at the base of the spine, in the area of the Muladhara chakra, also known as the root chakra. The concept of Kundalini was first mentioned in ancient Indian texts called the Upanishads. The Upanishads are a collection of sacred scriptures that form the philosophical basis of Hinduism. They were composed between 800 BCE and 400 BCE and explore profound philosophical and spiritual themes.

The specific Upanishads that mention Kundalini include the Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, the Varaha Upanishad, and the Shat Chakra Nirupana Upanishad. These texts discuss the awakening of the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini and its ascension through the central energy channel (Sushumna) in the human body, leading to spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. According to ancient texts and spiritual teachings, this powerful energy lies dormant in most individuals, resembling a sleeping serpent. However, through various practices and techniques, it can be awakened, ascending through the central energy channel, known as the Sushumna, which runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

Significance and Symbolism

The symbolism of Kundalini as a serpent holds deep meaning. Serpents are often associated with transformation, rebirth, and ancient wisdom across numerous cultures. The coiled serpent is a metaphor for the vast potential that lies dormant within each human being. As Kundalini rises, it represents the awakening of one's consciousness, leading to profound personal and spiritual growth.

Kundalini Awakening and the Spiritual Journey

The process of Kundalini awakening is not to be taken lightly, as it can be a profoundly transformative and intense experience. Various spiritual practices and disciplines aim to awaken this dormant energy, such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, and chanting, among others. These practices help purify the energy channels, preparing the aspirant for the surge of Kundalini energy.
Once awakened, Kundalini moves through the chakras, which are energy centres aligned along the spine, each associated with different aspects of human experience. As it ascends, it can trigger powerful sensations, visions, and insights, while also stirring up unresolved emotions and past traumas. The process demands inner strength, discipline, and self-awareness, as it may confront and purify various aspects of the individual's psyche.

Benefits and Challenges

Kundalini awakening is an extraordinary life-changing event, leading to various positive outcomes. Some of the potential benefits include heightened spiritual awareness, increased creativity, improved mental clarity, enhanced intuition, and a deeper connection to oneself and the universe.
However, the Kundalini journey is not without its challenges. The surge of energy can be overwhelming, leading to physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, or even feelings of disconnection from reality. This underscores the importance of guidance from experienced mentors or teachers who have navigated the Kundalini awakening process themselves.
It is essential to note that the Kundalini awakening experience can vary significantly from person to person, and not everyone will have the same encounters. Some of the common effects and experiences associated with Kundalini awakening include:
  1. Energy sensations: The awakened Kundalini is a powerful surge of energy, usually starting from the base of the spine and moving upwards through the central energy channel (Sushumna). This surge may be felt as intense heat, electricity-like sensations, tingling, or waves of energy and lift you physically off the floor!
  2. Chakra activation: As Kundalini rises, it activates and purifies the chakras, which are energy centers along the spine. Each chakra is associated with different aspects of human experience, such as physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.
  3. Altered states of consciousness: Kundalini awakening can lead to altered states of consciousness, where the individual may experience heightened awareness, vivid visions, and a sense of oneness with the universe.
  4. Intense emotions: The awakening process can also stir up unresolved emotions, past traumas, and subconscious patterns. This emotional purification is considered an essential part of the transformative journey.
  5. Heightened intuition and insight: As Kundalini rises, it is believed to open the individual to increased intuition, inner wisdom, and insights into the nature of reality and existence.
  6. Spiritual experiences: Many individuals report profound spiritual experiences, feelings of unity, divine connection, and a deep sense of inner peace and contentment.
  7. Physical symptoms: Kundalini awakening may also manifest in physical symptoms, such as body tremours, spontaneous movements, or temporary physical discomfort. These symptoms are usually temporary and subside as the energy integrates and balances.
  8. Purification and self-discovery: The Kundalini awakening process is often described as a journey of self-discovery and purification. It can bring the individual face-to-face with their deepest fears, desires, and belief systems, leading to personal growth and transformation.
  9. Sense of purpose and direction: As the individual progresses through the Kundalini journey, they may gain a clearer sense of purpose and direction in life, along with a deeper understanding of their true self.

The Importance of Balance

While the idea of Kundalini awakening might be alluring, it is essential to approach it with mindfulness and balance. Rushing into the process without proper preparation and understanding can be risky. You should strive for a harmonious and gradual awakening, honouring their unique pace and readiness for such an experience.


Kundalini is a profound and ancient concept that offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. While it holds immense potential for personal growth and spiritual evolution, it also demands respect and caution. Exploring the realm of Kundalini energy can be a life-altering and empowering endeavour when undertaken with mindfulness, guidance, and a deep sense of reverence for the mysteries of the human spirit. May those who walk the path of Kundalini be guided by wisdom and compassion, as they unravel the secrets of the coiled serpent within.
If Kundalini has activated within you and you need help and guidance then please reach out to me by emailing carla@carla-yoga.com as I might be able to help you.


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